How To: Create and Edit a Page

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When logged in, you can access an overview of all the pages and content on the website by clicking on Content on the admin menu at the top of the page.

Editing a Page

On this page you can directly edit a piece of content by clicking on the edit option next to it (under "Operations"). This can save you time, as you no longer have to use the website’s navigation tools to visit the page you want to edit first.

Adding a Page

There are two ways of adding a page to your Community Hub website. 

The first way is to click the Add content option at the top of the Content page (shown above). From here a page is displayed which allows you to choose what sort of content you wish to add. 

The second way, is instead of clicking into the Content page just hover over it with your mouse. From here follow the drop down menus and choose what sort of content you wish to add. 

After you have selected the type of content you wish to add, you are taken to a blank Editing Interface where you simply have to fill in the details (see Field References for information about how to fill these out). Click Save to finish adding your new content.

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